xaa04 Mexico C59 5 Peso Universidad Mint Hinged VF Sc $225 Amazingly Beautiful Example
Selected Stamps and Postal History
xaa04 Mexico C59 5 Peso Universidad Mint Hinged VF Sc $225 Amazingly Beautiful Example
Nice in any collection, this will be great in yours..
I am pleased to bring your some of the most interesting Stamps and Postal History each week in my auctions and I continue to add material to my "Buy It Now" Store Front. Please take the opportunity to view all my material. I hope you will find those special items that will enhance your collecting experience.
Prices listed in NF are for F-VF and Scott are for VF.
Shipping is free to any addresses in the United States, by First Class mail in the United States and International ordered from my website will be shipped free of charge. I do not however insure any stamps sent. If you want more safety in items sent to you, you should pay the fee for Registered mailing. Registered mail is $14 to United States and international addresses. Please realize that registered mail to a foreign addresses does not carry insurance. I suggest that any order sent to Mexico be sent registered when the value exceeds $50. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOTS BEING SENT TO MEXICO UNLESS THEY ARE SENT REGISTERED.
Some of my markings you may not be familiar with:
MOG = Mint original gum. This is what I may call anything from one that has a good amount of gum to one that is even lightly hinged.
MNG = Mint NO Gum, in other words, one that has been soaked of gum or never had gum when issued.
MH = Mint Hinged, a category that covers anything from one that has been easily visible hinging marks to one that still has a hinge attached.
MLH = Mint Light Hinge, a stamp that has very little of the original hinge mark showing. This can be one that obviously has been hinged, but is in no way a hinge noticeable.
MNH = Mint Never Hinged, is a stamp that has no disturbance of the gum, from hinge or otherwise.
Sc = Scott Catalogue
NF = Nicholas Follansbee's catalogue
DP = David Pietsch cat value for Eagles
Y/B = Yag Bash Catalogue of Stampless cancels (pre-1856)
SN = Sello Negro (Black Stamp) covers used when postage stamps were not available (after 1856).
OOD = Out of District (These are cancels used either as cancellation at place of sending or as receiver cancels. Only on cover is there positive proof of use.)
t-(numbers 1-10) = one of the ten relief types found on 1868 issues. t-with number = 'type - number' on any items that needs separation of types including the Eagle Issue periods.
Tipo = Types of Mexico, the 1868 issues that were printed from the original stones, used in a contemporary postal fraud during 1870-71.
Sz = Schatzkes catalogue number for cancels used from 1856 to 1872 issues.
Sch = Schimmer Catalogue number (state, office#/cancel #) 1874 -1900 issues.
District may be abbreviated, such as DGO = Durango, GDA = Guadalajara, GTO = Guanajuato, MAZ = Mazatlan, MEX DF = Mexico, OAX = Oaxaca, PUE = Puebla, QRO = Queretaro, SLP = San Louis Potosi, VCZ = Veracruz and ZAC = Zacatecas
I hope you find interesting items for your collections,
Thanks, Bubba Bland
Mepsi #2795, APS #198784, USPCS #4030, Western Cover Society #1423