Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International
The Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International is known as MEPSI and is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and promotion of philately of Mexico. Established in 1950, its membership now spans the globe with collectors from all parts of the world enjoying collecting Mexican stamps and postal history. MEPSI publishes the award winning quarterly journal Mexicana which contains articles on most aspects of Mexican philately. Our society has the most highly credited expertization service for certifying stamps and postal history from Mexico. We have developed some of the best study aids and references on Mexican stamps, drawing from our large research library. Sixty years of our journal Mexicana are available on DVD for our members, many articles and books are being turned into digital copies for easy access. We have talks and seminars at various shows though out the year and an annual convention in conjunction with a major stamp shows each year. For more information visit our web pages at mepsi.org. Membership dues and payments for research material can be paid for right on line at our site using PayPal. Applications are also available online. Please feel free to contact any of our officers if you have further questions.
Bubba Bland, President MEPSI
Mexico is the most interesting county in the world to collect.